And i have a proposition for you that could be interesting.
The idea is that in this one post we change sides - you send your favorite quotes, thoughts, verses and i comment them. Don't worry, it will be just this once :)
Looking forward to see what you got for me...
Congratulations on your 100th!
"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece." - John Ruskin
Thanks Robyn!
I like the quote very much, love really is like a miraculous ingredient that makes everything better. It reminds me on one quote by Mozart :
Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.
Another great quote! I think if you love what you do, all the negatives in your life are minimised.
I consider myself truly lucky because i can do the work i love, that is really a blessing in today's world where love and enjoyment often have nothing to do with daily jobs.
So true, Thinker. We are very lucky to be able to make a living from what we love to do. I have just found another quote I would like to share ...at the risk of lowering the tone of your very classy blog...but it is amusing.
"Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...'Oh Sh!#, she's awake!' "
Hi Thinker,
good idea!
I lost the ability to remember quotes a few years ago, when I read to many of them in too short a time.
But I remember one that changed many things in my mind when I first read it as a teenager- it's the true story of Guillaumet, a man who walked for 7 days in the cold Andes winter without food or shelter; the first thing he said to his friend, when he was found, was: "Ce que j'ai fait, je te le jure, jamais aucune bête ne l'aurait fait". Something like What I did, I swear to you, no animal would have ever done (it). It doesn't seem like much but when you read the complete story it really means something; I think Jean-Jacques Annaud even made a movie out of it (Wings of Courage).
Hi there Cécile! I like the quote very much.
I guess the supreme virtue really is to stay human even in the heaviest times, to endure. Especially in the life of an artist which sometimes really becomes a desert, full of self disappointments and sorrows.
Stanley Kunitz said that the supreme morality of art is to endure.
I am very happy you like the quote, it did change things in my life. Being human really is a big deal, isn't it, and I think art indeed is all about that little word human. I like what you say about enduring. I think I'm starting to learn the meaning of this verb too...! :) By the way, this might sound strange, but have you seen the last Batman movie? There is a whole thing about "enduring". Usually I don't really pay attention to big action movie philosophy, but this time I was hit by it. It was oddly deep.
I haven't seen the movie, but i will check it out, sounds great. Thanks for the recommendation!
Belated 100th! I am terrible at remembering quotes and I rarely write them down. But as a procrastinator extraordinaire, this one struck a chord with me.
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Thanks Kate, I like the quote very much!
It really is like that, , it is best to start it right away whatever you wish to start, without letting yourself to waste any time, because "lost time is never found again" (John H. Aughey)
I agree. Anothe Goethe quote that I like is: "The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone."
By the way, I have nominated your blog for an award. I would be honoured if you would go to my blog to pick it up.
Hey thanks for the nomination! Glad you like the blog.
I like the other quote too. Artists are, as Pissarro said, those who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.
This is my first visit to your blog, so I feel a little funny about contributing. But, not too funny to do so...
"A Sense of beauty is the gift of God, for which those who have received it in good measure can never be thankful enough."
Gertrude Jekyll
Hi Pamela, I am happy that you joined the conversation.
The quote is lovely, artists really must be thankful for having eyes that see deeper. Cause seeing beauty, is in a way seeing things deeper.
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it...." has got me moving many a time when feeling flat. Once you begin there's a distinct switch into motivation mode. Which reminds me of my other old favourite .."Nothing happens until it moves." - Albert Einstein
Congrats on the award, Thinker.
Thanks Robyn!
Einstein is one of my favorite quote makers :)
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