Sunday, October 26, 2008

From a movie

Randomness is very difficult to achieve... organization always merges back if you don't pay attention.
Science des rêves (2006)


Luísa Santos said...

Haven't seen that movie yet but now I'm even more curious about it, need to get the dvd somewhere. love the idea of randomness vs organization. I had this teacher in arts school who always said that no matter how hard we would try we would never be able to improvise and make something as unique (she meant random in a way) as a child. i do agree w her in a way... kinda fun how 'us' as adults always try to achieve 'order' when randomness could be the answer. your post really make me think. even when it's 1am, that's quite an achievement :)

IstvanBloggin' said...

I think our minds are trained to create order, to make everything sorted. To understand everything and to control everything as much as we can, to transform the world into our little personal harmonies, predictable and sleepy.
Confusion is the thing we fear the most :)

Luísa Santos said...

I agree w you. Although, sometimes, I am not so keen in living in order, or in a too ruled world. but that's just a thought :)

IstvanBloggin' said...

I guess a sorted life, order and control are good things as long as they don't turn our life into a system. We must fight the habit of order and our fear of the unplanned. Cause as much we try to be in control, surprises and confusions are unavoidable. So we should live our lives aware of surprises that will come.
And maybe we'll get the pleasant ones :)

Luísa Santos said...

that's a nice and beautiful way of putting it :)

ArtPropelled said...

Food for thought. We do seem to create order almost automatically. It's the way we have been taught. Routine and order. Now I find that I get skittish when I am out of routine.

IstvanBloggin' said...

Thanks Luisa, it's always a pleasure chatting with you.
Hi Robyn, glad you joined the chat. It really is amazing how we contaminate everything with order.

Cécile said...

I liked the movie, especially the dream scenes... it was delightful to see someone "cooking" a dream!

IstvanBloggin' said...

I totally agree, the dream scenes are great:)