Thursday, June 26, 2008

Works of art must persist as objects of contemplation.
Herbert Read


ArtPropelled said...

I was contemplating this painting for a while and suddenly thought "I don't remember that chap" and then realized it was a photograph of someone contemplating the Searat.

herhimnbryn said...

Hallo thinker, found you via Robyn
Like your site...lots to see and think about.

IstvanBloggin' said...

Hello there Herhimnbryn, glad you like the blog.

Ambera said...

Those are the ones that last the longest!

IstvanBloggin' said...

I totally agree with you, Ambera. The lasting of an art work is an interesting topic.
I get the impression that in our era of consumerism people tend to think that art in general is a product like any other. I would even say that art is sometimes treated like fast food. People don't have time for contemplation anymore.