Saturday, March 22, 2008

The object of art is not to reproduce reality,
but to create a reality of the same intensity.
Alberto Giacometti


Cécile said...

Hi Thinker!
Good quote.
What is art, really?

A childhood friend of mine once stared at a Giacometti for a whole hour, trying to understand why it was said to be art. She told me she was trying to "feel the art in it". She never understood that art is not something solid that can be seen or touched or felt; it's all the emotion you feel when you see a painting, a sculpture, or a ballet that make it a piece of art. Well, anyway that's how I see it!

Have a nice day.

IstvanBloggin' said...

Hi, Cecile!
I agree with you, some of my friends react the same way.
While looking at one's artwork people almost always ask the artist:"what does it represent?"
They have that urge to recognize something already known or seen, something familiar in a piece of art. And art offers exactly the opposite: uniqueness and originality.
To be understood, art needs an open-minded approach, and open-hearted in a way..
Thanks for dropping by!

Cécile said...

A drawing teacher told me that every good drawing was a move of desire: you see something that makes you feel strong emotions and you want to keep these emotions with lines and values; thus every good drawing would be the transmission of desire, not the reconstruction of an object. I guess it's the same thing for all arts - I guess we agree on this!

IstvanBloggin' said...

I like that, drawing as a desire for capturing emotion on paper, it's like a search for a shape of the emotion.
There's a quote by Howard Pyle:
Throw your heart into the picture and then jump in after it!